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find out

discovering, learning about something, a catch-all exclamation of approval (usually dance related). origin: dressing room 15 at the David H. Koch Theater

"I'm going to Stars and Stripes rehearsal,"
Max: "Find out"
"Did you see Katie's Dewdrop, she found out!"

by Dressing Room #15 January 21, 2009

82πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

find out

A person who denies that they are gay, but later finds out they are.

"Dude, that burberry wearing freak is such a find out."

by ashisme February 3, 2008

16πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

find out!

phrase used to insult students at Clarke School in Northampton 1989-1991 to imply improper sexual behavior

a student walks in on another student and a teacher
M: Oh my god! You and Ms. Phelps? Find Out!


M: What took you so long in the bathroom?
L: I had to wash my hands...
M: Ugh! Find Out!

by GBOF September 30, 2003

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

find out!

a polite/tease way of telling one that you KNOW something is up.

M walks in the lounge and see that K and L are chatting on the couch.
M: oh my god! you two? find out!

by m. October 2, 2003

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Lemme find out

A way of saying let me see if it’s true or to find out if something can possibly come true or happen .

if someone were to say β€œI’m tryna be more than just your friend” you can respond with β€œlemme find out”

by Slangified June 25, 2022

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

lemme find out

a request to figure out what it would be like to have sex with someone

Yo, if you're gonna jump, let me get a crack at that pussy first! Lemme find out.

by deadheadrik August 24, 2009

46πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

Emily finds out

Emily finds out was a popular meme throughout 2020-2022 which featured a typically an ASMR audio and a young girl (most likely under 10) β€œfinding out” she is a insert style/aesthetic. She would make a Snapchat post about it, making the background color fit the style. (for example, goth=black) She would then write a few sentences that typically would say something similar to β€œI JUST FOUND OUT I’M style!” In the same sentence, (and the next) she would then spam emojis that fit the style. (for example, preppy=πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸ§‹πŸ§‹πŸ§‹πŸ§‹πŸ§‹πŸ§‹πŸ§‹πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ») She would typically add these amount of emojis after each sentence. Another thing she typically added in her post was similar to β€œIF YOU’RE NOT STYLE THEN DON’T COME NEAR ME!” Of course, with tons of emojis. One last thing she’d add was a β€œMix your 5 recent emojis” and β€œMine: insert 5 most recent emojis” typically with a neon font.

While scrolling through Shorts, I found an Emily finds out meme.

by Pannwinner1 July 26, 2023

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