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A time betweeen thirty and forty.

no, not 35.

What time is it?

Eight firty.


by Flooooooooo September 10, 2007

30👍 9👎


When you turn 40 but look like you're 30

Today I'm turning firty

by GQ8a February 6, 2018

4👍 2👎


Adjective: Simultaneously embodying the traits of both fat and dirty.

"Man I was in Ashley's room the other day and found EVERY fork we own"

"That girl be firty!"

by dr. diddy March 15, 2010

7👍 7👎

firty fwee

The way that endorphous pronounces the number 33. Sumsing to do wibv his speepch impebdimenpt.

Do you know which episode it was?
Firty Fwee?
Thir-ty Th-ree.

by Cwips February 13, 2004

12👍 3👎

firty thirst

the thirty first of january... switch the th and the f.... do it with any 2 word combinations... it gets hilarious while high..

ris's birthday is the firty thirst....

by 2-1 crew September 19, 2008