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fish penis

a fish penis

I sucked a fish penis once.

by monkey shitter February 21, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

penis fish

The thought of a person or a thing that mentally crawls inside you and interferes in your day-to-day activities. It consumes your every thought and hinders your way of life. Much like the fish it was named after (the Candiru) which crawls inside you and lives inside, so do these thoughts.

George: Whatโ€™s your problem?
Izzie: My problemโ€ฆis you. Youโ€™re my penis fish.
George: Your what?
Izzie: Youโ€™ve crawled in and latched on, and now I canโ€™t move, or talk, or think, or even pee without the necking feeling that something is eating through my organs!

by mung35 May 15, 2007

57๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penis Fish

A fish that swims into your penis and eats you from the inside out. It will cause extreme discomfort, possible insanity, extreme fatigue, cravings for pickles with chocolate, and reoccurring wet dreams about orange unicorns.

Brian: why is John being so weird, he's eating pickles with chocolate and screaming about unicorns in his sleep...
Kyle: he's got a penis fish.
Both: *begin to intensely cry*

Kyle: it's too late brian.. he's gone..
John: *orgasms violently and dies*

by thicc_tortilla December 13, 2020

Penis Fish

Someone who is all in your buisness and seemingly wants to get in your pants {to pleasure you or kiss ass} just like the actual penis fish in the Caribou

Tim(talking to buddy): "Dude watch this, John has been on my like a penis fish because I told him I might give him a promotion.(To John) My coffee is empty."
John:" Don't worry sir I noticed you were finshing it up 5 minutes ago and have already brewed you a new pot

Tina: "Hey Tim how's it going? I heard you just broke up with your girlfriend."
Tim: " Dont be such a penis fish I plan on staying single Tina, go be a slut somewhere else"

by Hermin23 August 12, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

penis fishing

v. When a guy at a urinal has unzipped his fly but cannot extract his penis from his underwear, and keeps dipping his fingers in in attempt to pull it out

1. Boy 1: Damn that guy is taking a long time pissing.
Boy 2: He's probably just penis fishing

2. That guy is either jacking off in the urinal or he's penis fishing.

by Urban Dictionary October 9, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penis fish

Urechis unicinctus. A worm that looks like a penis. They washed up on California at the beginning of 2020. Make sense.

Chad 1: Bro can I have your penis fish
Chad 2: Sure mate, just be sure to give it back though

by Peter stop please September 11, 2020

Penis Fish

A variety of fish usually found in the caribbean. They have a penchant for biting Penises.

I went to the Dominican Republic for vacation and I had to be very careful of the Penis Fish.

by Ironmike2018 May 10, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž