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frenched is one of the most common forms of kissing between people making out, which you involves putting your tongue or vis versa, in the mouth of the other person. This can go either very well or very bad. Make sure that what ever you consume beforehand is something your partner actually is ok with, and to get even more passionate, something that they love tasting.

Once and a while, a couple will enter a form of mortal combat with their tongues, and the loser typically drops down and sucks. (Or in rare cases, turns out the partner is a serial killer and the loser is game overed like a peasant.)

regardless, you either know this term or you don't, and if you didn't know this term before reading this, you probably will never experience this, or are a 12-16 year old and just had it happen (lucky you). If your past that age group, you will surely either die a virgin or have a super conservative partner. If you had this happen before 12, call 911 and tell the operator what happened, you have been sexual assulted by a priest or uncle, most likely above 18.

Me: OMG I frenched brittany.
Friend: Dude! Did you know Brittany is a trap?
Me: Well guess thats an added bonus ;)
Friend: *Walks away forever*

by Loner_Stars October 6, 2019

89πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


It means taking off all of the crappy plastic trim (and other bits like the antenna) on your car to give it a cleaner look.

Yo dawg, we gave the windows a limo tint, slammed the suspension, frenched the whole body and repainted it candy apple red with blue flames down the side!

by dymadozen October 22, 2015

39πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


When you go to France and a local makes you purchase something you don’t need or something that’s unnecessarily overpriced.

India got frenched to buy overpriced Rafale rockets from France when their prime minister made a visit.

Japan frenched India to buy a bullet train from them.

You are being frenched when someone makes you buy things you don't need with money you don't have to impress people you don't like.

by TheTimeTraveller February 23, 2020

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Frenched, Is when a man tickles another man's throat with his hairy sack

Philly: have you seen Goodwin?

Koop: na he said he was going to get frenched!

Philly: hell no he must never talk again with frenched breathe!!

by rgisfaggot June 20, 2014

31πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


To over customize a normally uncustomized car with dumb decals and glitter shit and wings

Dude look at that neon, all decalled up and a huge wing that thing is frenched

by Lil Crispy August 13, 2005

25πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

French French

What Canadians say when they mean French from France.

"Did you know Jay Baruchel speaks French?"
"French French or Canadian French?"
"Canadian French I think."

by antfred March 28, 2016

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


the greatest language in the world to say f*ck you in many ways.

like:"nique ta mere,va te faire foutre,va te faire enculer,tu vas prendre cher,je te baise profond,je vais t'enculer si fort qu'on verra le jours a travers ta bouche..."
this is so french!

by founefoune March 20, 2011

1156πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž