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A flip where you rotate forward over your head

Russian- Frontflip without tucking
Inward- Frontflip going backwards
Standing- Frontflip without run up
Double, triple etc- Two or more in one jump

This is also done on bikes, skateboards, motorbikes, scooters, snowboards, skis, bikes, roller skates etc

I can do a Frontflip flat

by itsgettingsendyupinhere December 30, 2020


having sex with 2 nannies in one day

Dude, I totally frontflipped these Gainers!

by arieslion August 29, 2010

5👍 17👎

William Frontflip

In 1316 in medieval Europe, John Backflip performed the first backflip without the use of witchcraft. His nemesis, William Frontflip, exiled him, believing that he had used witchcraft. William Frontflip then performed the first frontflip in 1318 using witchcraft, but was never exiled. To this day, people still believe that William Frontflip had copied John Backflip's invention.

Person 1: Did you know William Frontflip copied John Backflip?
Person 2: Of course, what an asshole.

by Jadenettegatoenjoyer11111 August 14, 2024

Tito Frontflip

A fully sick front flip performed by an individual down a slopped grass bank, usually whilst being filmed, and often ending with the individual colliding into basketball court fencing.

Hey man, I'm going to impress millions of people on the world-wide web, by doing a Tito Frontflip

by G.P.C.C February 5, 2012