Source Code

fucked outta commission

when something is broken so bad it cant be fixed

bobby " i done drove earls tractor into the ditch and blowed er up"
Ricky "well it's fucked outta commission now you unintuitive fucknut"

by diggymac March 1, 2018

fucked outta commission

when something is broken so bad it cant be fixed

bobby " i done drove earls tractor into the ditch and blowed er up"
Ricky "well it's fucked outta commission now you unintuitive fucknut"

by diggymac March 1, 2018

fucked outta commission

when something is broken so bad it cant be fixed

bobby " i done drove earls tractor into the ditch and blowed er up"
Ricky "well it's fucked outta commission now you unintuitive fucknut"

by diggymac March 1, 2018