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Fun Stuff

a phrase that is usually overused by idiots

"well... FUN STUFF" said Lila Graves. "Bruh can you stop saying that you are such an imbecile" said Maxwell Harries Clarke

by bichlasagnabich June 24, 2020

10👍 5👎

fun stuff

Words you use sarcastically when someone is bothering you. They don't really get it but it really means you either want them gone or dead and possibly buring in a hole somewhere outside of town.

Rich: Hey! what's up!? You know, you should really go out with Alyssa

Me: fun stuff *under breath* die!

Rich: what was that?

Me: nothing

by Branded for Life June 18, 2005

15👍 25👎

fun stuff


Bri: fun stuff?
Ben: aw yea u know it

by notmyrealhandle July 19, 2018

2👍 2👎

Monkey Fun Stuff

Used in turn of the word "Feces" or any other appropriate slang words

Man, that Monkey Fun Stuff smells somthing horrible.

by Gubby Hernandez November 12, 2007

2👍 2👎