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The stain left on a pillow, sheet, pyjamas, teddy bear or side of one's face by dribbling in one's sleep.

The pillow was covered in geebles.

by zeb zotop April 16, 2010

266👍 72👎


special green pug with alien thingys and has special electricity powers and hates blue creatures


by An Idiot Waffle March 25, 2023


Prounounced GI (as in karate gi)- BULL

1) A skeezer; a woman who has sex with various partners.
2) A woman who sluts herself out by bragging about and/or offering sexual satisfaction to others for free.
3) A whore.

Mr. X: That chick sucked me off and hooked up with like 6 other guys.
Mr. E: Well, X, that woman is a geeble.

by Mr. Five February 5, 2006

6👍 53👎


A shitstain that appear on a man's genitalia after having anal sex with a partner who has an unwiped anus.

"I got the geebles when I was finished with her."

by Tyler Borges September 29, 2009

8👍 5👎

geeble goose

1) Someone who is real convincing that they can perform a certain task with super ease, only to take on the task and utterly fail.

1) Granto the geeble goose took on an svt contour motor swap and failed hard.

by doobious25 December 29, 2011

the geeble gobble gobble but they dont gobble down

har har har! the geeble gobble gobble but they dont gobble down

if you are going insane you say this to let people know youre insane you say the geeble gobble gobble but they dont gobble down

by ausboss20001 October 8, 2023