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gene pool

A pool in which the depth of the pool indicates the health of a person's genetic background. Those who swim in the deep end of the pool generally have good and healthy genes while those who do not are over in the shallow end.

The Bush family is a prime example of a family that has been swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool for over 100 years.

by jesster79 March 19, 2005

258πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž

gene pool

All the humans together, referring to the genes for reproduction. Mainly used for removing yourself from the gene pool, either by doing something that makes you unable to reporduce yourself, like celibaly or getting sterilized, or by getting yourself dead (in a very stupid way). Very popular on Darwin Awards.
Removing yourself from te gene pool is seen as positive evolution since you won't spread your genes anymore, which is a good thing since you are very stupid (according to the way you died).

He removed himself from the gene pool by falling into the shredder's hopper while cutting branches.

by Wicked Wolf April 5, 2009

31πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Gene Pool

A term to referring to very tall men. Also a theory describing how tall men date short women in order to even out the gene pool, therefore preventing their children from being amazon freaks.

Hey Ashley, look! There's a gene pool for you!

by HahaSorryAshwee October 7, 2010

52πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Gene pool

Filling a persons inny belly button full of semen

I pulled out and gave kristie a gene pool

by fatninja May 5, 2007

83πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Gene Pool

When a guy ejaculates onto his stomach and the jizz slides down and wells in his belly button. Hence, gene "pool".

Guy 1: Dude, today I jerked it onto my chest and my jizz filled up my belly button!

Guy 2: I wish I could gene pool, but I have an inward belly button :/

by TheNightHawk69 January 30, 2009

14πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

infinity gene pool

When you’re doing sex on someone and you fill up their belly button with semen. While in process, spray a couple ropes at other body parts and tilt her in a direction where those parts would drip so into her belly button, reuniting all chromosomes with each other in a beautiful waterfall of spooge.

I was ready to give her a cream pie, but she said she wasn’t on the pill, so I gave her an infinity gene pool instead.

by Getthelintout January 22, 2023

infinity gene pool

When you’re doing sex on someone and you fill up their belly button with semen. While in process, spray a couple ropes at other body parts and tilt her in a direction where those parts would drip so into her belly button, reuniting all chromosomes with each other in a beautiful waterfall of spooge.

I was ready to give her a cream pie, but she said she wasn’t on the pill, so I gave her an infinity gene pool instead.

by Getthelintout January 22, 2023