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Someone afraid to tie themselves down to anything specific in order to avoid real conversation. Often used by girls and closet atheists, as well as people who dabble in politics but aren't willing to alienate their fat scooter riding medicare dependent tea-bagger friends.

A true generalist, I regularly write about everything...

by Falcongod March 13, 2011

5👍 17👎


Word invented by those unaware of the real word generally. Said individuals should be ashamed.

Generalistically the sky is blue.

by Beowulf80 November 19, 2010

11👍 2👎

Arts Generalist

Someone with a degree in the prestigious field of general arts. Enjoys activities such as sleeping, eating, jerking off, sleeping some more, and occasionally even going to class.

Contrary to popular belief, the life of an Arts Generalist is not easy. Sometimes they have to defecate but they are too lazy to get out of bed, so they resort to using a bedpan system. Sometimes they wake up after dinner is over and have to call a pizza if they want to eat. The life of an Arts Generalist is truly testing.

When I grow up I want to be an Arts Generalist. They live like kings.

by OhHiMark! December 7, 2011

3👍 3👎