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Get Hold Of

This is a British expression which can be used in a number of ways:
1 To obtain an item, by purchase, borrowing or other means;
2 To initiate contact or communicate with a person or persons or an organisation;
3 To understand or appreciate an idea, concept or theory;

The Americans use the expression get ahold of in a similar way.

1 “Can you get hold of any 2 inch 10 brass screws?”
2 “That cunt Malcolm’s gone off somewhere, I can’t get hold of him.”
3 “His ideas are so abstruse they’re difficult to get hold of.”

by AKACroatalin November 3, 2015

309👍 3👎

Get a hold of yourself

Said to the one who is impatient, as a wish to the person to calm down.

- I can't wait until Santa comes!
(Bitch slap) - Get a hold of yourself! It's only September...

by Oli_SE November 23, 2010

81👍 12👎