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the most funniest, little pixie. One of the shortest people you will meet, never awkward around her, amazing girl, loved by everyone. Hated by a couple of bitches, but haters see ya laters. Changes her mind about guys all the time, loves her family to pieces. very trustworthy but can be bitchy at times.

hey she looks like ghazaleh
yeah she does


by whoyougonnacall October 5, 2011

159👍 27👎


Short for Ghazaleh which is an iranian name that origniates from the arabic word of Ghazal. A Ghazal is the arabic word for Deer with big eyes ( Gazelle ).

English people or western european people find it hard to pronounce so the eprson will get called Ghaz ( pronounced Gaz), Gazley etc.etc.

The person tends to get used to being called wierd names and people not being able to pronunce their name .

Hey Ghazaleh
I swear your name is similar to a type of deer?
yeah it is :)

by Taylorlautnerfan123456 June 14, 2010

66👍 9👎



dam have you seen that girl over their , her name is like a deer.
yeah she bangtidy
whats her name?

by blobbyprincess October 5, 2011

28👍 11👎


ghazaleh is a persian name which means deer. she is a strong woman a great dancer, a funny girl you will never forget and she is so damn good looking and you will fall in love with the way she talks

ghazaleh is so cool

by ghezighezi August 17, 2018

14👍 4👎

Abu Ghazaleh

One of the biggest and richest Palestinian/Arab families (Last Names) out there. It is such a huge family that you could find an Abu Ghazaleh person in any party of the world you are in.

who's that ?

That's that guy from Abu Ghazaleh..
Oh word..

by Arab that knows August 8, 2010

11👍 2👎