Source Code


A fish

gh in enough = f
o in women = i
ti in nation = sh

Person 1: I just got a ghoti
Person 2: A what?
Person 3: He means he got a fish.
Person 2: oh

by Maxgamer345 August 5, 2023

26👍 2👎


ghoti is what you write down to confuse someone. Pronounced 'fish', it utilises the 'gh' from 'cough', the 'o' from 'women' and the 'ti' from 'action' to become a confusing little bugger. If you are writing to a posh person, be sure to start a conversation about fish, and say 'ghoti' several times. It means fish, too.

Dear Fishmongers,
The ghoti you sell is weird and unhygenic! That ghoti made me sick twice. I hate your ghoti!

by Gravitron March 12, 2005

114👍 22👎


This word is pronounced 'fish' through manipulation of atypical linguistic rules.
It uses the gh from laugh, the o from women and the ti from nation.

Ghoti is a bastard word that only has application in written context, and is primarily used by people trying to be smartasses.

by Marasmus November 12, 2003

261👍 62👎


The correct spelling of the word 'fish'

You take the 'gh' in trough

the 'o' in women

and the 'ti' in action


You can give a man ghoti and feed him for the day, or teach a man to ghoti and he will eat for the rest of his life.

by RyDawgHowe May 13, 2009

42👍 27👎


a word used to make fun of english spelling.

"gh" sometimes makes a /f/ sound as in tough
"o" sometimes makes a /ɪ/ sound as in women
"ti" sometimes make a /ʃ/ sound as in nation

put it all together and ghoti is pronounced /fɪʃ/.

what people don't realize is that this doesn't even make sense with english's normal phonotactic rules. "gh" is never /f/ word-initially and "ti" is never /ʃ/ without a vowel after it. so this doesn't work.

person 1: ghoti is pronounced fish english spelling bad hurhur
person 2: that's not how english spelling works.

by Crihn Bowonib May 10, 2021



I'm gonna go chomp on my ghoti....mmm tasty

by Anonymous July 28, 2003

28👍 38👎


An excellent DJ of certain shoutcast stations

Did you hear DJ DopeGhoti last night? The show was awesome!

by DJ DopeGhoti February 5, 2003

9👍 55👎