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A nonsensical phrase to use when frustrated

Quit being a gibralter

by NJD123 July 22, 2009

2👍 10👎

Fuckwalter Gibralter

1. A dumb son of a bitch who cannot drive his own car, no matter what the conditions are.
2. Someone driving a huge SUV that hasn't a clue how to park it and has probably never had it in 4 wheel drive

Get out of the way, Fuckwalter Gibralter, I'm trying to drive!

by Howie Feltersnatch January 2, 2004

20👍 12👎

Gibralter Main

Gaming slang originating from Apex Legends usually deemed as an insult to lesser competent players. A Gibralter Main is someone who is a bot and noobish that only relies on meta weapons to achieve and sort of accomplishment. These players can usually be seen camping in corners, running broken guns, and slowly jogging to you in a straight line while ADSing.

Tim: Bro, you should have seen it! I had a four kill game!

Gerald: Tim, that is at best and average game.
Tim: No, dude! I stomped on those kids. I waited until they were done fighting to run up on them while they were reviving each other and lit them up with my LMG.
Gerald: Oh my god, Tim, you're such a fucking Gibralter Main. You're so ass at this game!
Tim: I don't know what your talking about I got 2nd that game.

by Transcended Dolphin May 10, 2019