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Having earned the admiration/respect/affection of another person to the extent that they will give you a token of their feelings voluntarily and without expectation of repayment.

A: Bought you something!
P: Ohhhhh.... I really wish you hadn't.
A: Oh, you'll think differently when you see what it is! Spent very little, if that's what you're worried about.
P: Yeah, but I also haven't been gift-worthy in quite a while...
A: Oh whatever! Gift-worthy isn't even a real thing. You just made that up.

by Clark Can't May 24, 2017


Having earned the admiration/respect/affection of another person to the extent that they will give you a token of their feelings voluntarily and without expectation of repayment.

A: Bought you something!
P: Ohhhhh.... I really wish you hadn't.
A: Oh, you'll think differently when you see what it is! Spent very little, if that's what you're worried about.
P: Yeah, but I also haven't been gift-worthy in quite a while...
A: Oh whatever! Gift-worthy isn't even a real thing. You just made that up.

by Clark Can't May 24, 2017