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glass pipe

what one would smoke nugs in.

i got some bubbleberry, lets see the glass.

by demitrious February 16, 2004

57👍 32👎

Glass Pipe

Igniting a lighter under a man's balls while giving him a blow job.

She singed a few ball hairs last night while she was giving me a glass pipe.

by Marshall1090 February 5, 2015

9👍 9👎

slave to the glass pipe

addicted to crack rock

that fuckin ho...is a slave to the glass pipe

by badonakdonk butt March 25, 2007

11👍 1👎

glass pipe fallacy

An argument so incoherent that it could only be proposed by someone on crack

I don't know what that guy was on, buy his arguments for being a theist were a complete glass pipe fallacy

by WetMooseKnuckle May 21, 2017