Source Code


Something that does not make sense

Wow, 99.9% of all the definitions on this website are incoherent

by IrishRepublicanArmy December 5, 2003

262👍 49👎


(adj) not understandable, meaningless, nonsense

The following passage is incoherent.

l0l0l0l n00b uvA t00k i bat u goo0td oolololol9o0podsfhjj and f0178|3h
d0n't sl323-0 int4w teh s|_|bw4iebiznatchlooolooooow00000000t

by aaronak November 4, 2004

80👍 25👎


Does not make any sense what so ever, absolute nonsense.

N00000000BLOLOLOLOLOOL W0000T .. etc

this is incoherent

by YeahbutNobutyeah May 24, 2009

24👍 16👎

Incoherent Babbling

Texts messages that don't make sense. Usually sent while drunk, high, hopped up on drugs, or a combination of all three.

Incoherent Babbling Text- Ex: You make boyz in the hood look like little rascals.

by drunkandstupid October 16, 2010

incoherent bastard

an asshole that mumbles a lot

"man, i hate that asshole bobby"
"yeah, he sure is an incoherent bastard, i couldn't understand what he was saying so he took my beer"

by slogathor April 1, 2009

*incoherent screaming*



*incoherent screaming*

by toastedwater November 20, 2020

7👍 1👎


Fgghjkop forofos sssi erodimos sillickikik en werthion der qawsedrftghvgfd.

After drinking 10 shots of tequila after losing a bet, Suzy was incoherent.

by Coryyyyy June 13, 2021