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To make out with a girl when she still has cum in her mouth.

yo, right after my girlfriends sucked my cock we went gooing.

by lucajamesalexjoeryangavincodyjoed January 15, 2008

32πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


when a girl and a boy show any sign of affection for eachother. this can be anything from holding hands, talking on the phone or even making out.

no one is allowed to show PDA at youth group ever since some couple was caught gooing in the parking lot and got caught by a parent

by kaylala March 25, 2007

9πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Goo Goo

Racial slur used by U.S. troops during the Philippine-American War of 1898–1902/1913. Derogatory. Equivalent to the racial epithet, "nigger", which was also used to refer to Filipinos.

Google "Goo Goo Philippines" and reference Wikipedia "Philippine-American War"

"No cruelty is too severe for these brainless monkeys, who can appreciate no honor, kindness, or justice… With an enemy like this to fight, it is not surprising that the boys should adapt β€˜no quarter’ as a motto and fill the blacks with lead. Let's go Goo Goo hunting."

by Sizwe_X December 21, 2006

130πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

goo goo

the sound a baby makes to communicate verbally

I picked up the baby and she uttered "goo goo".

by iwant2haveababy September 3, 2010

304πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

goo goo

a word that a very small child makes because they are too dumb to know better

child: goo goo
adult: fucking idiot

by le meme January 2, 2018

26πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Goo Goo

A Goo Goo Is to define someone as "Really?!" or "this kid"
Most commonly used in natural conversations

Rarely Used in Arguments

Friend 1 : *Something Bad Happened To Freind 1 today*
Friend 2: This Goo Goo

by Qinuse April 14, 2022


The consumption of too many drugs e.g weed, alcohol, blow with the accumulation of too many pizza pockets puts the users into a complete state of paralysis unable to remove from the couch only the addiction of the substances will give the user the motive and or the drive to remove him or herself from the couch and to the fridge, bong, or glass chessboard placed on the table right in front of him

Spencer: how much weed have we got left

Nigel: urrrrrgh urrrrgh

Rob: he's gooed to the couch

James: lets eat his pizza pockets

by critizise this February 1, 2013