Source Code


Fly Guys Gettin High(As In Higher or Achieiving More)
SYNONYM = Ecstasy,Great,Achievement

Lebron's Three's = GOOSIE

Bronski(Lebron James) has been Goosie since the third quarter.

Dj Delly Dellz Been Goosie Since He Was 15

by Dj Delly Dellz July 5, 2010

50πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


When a guy sticks his index finger in a girls asshole at the same time putting his thumb in her vagina and rubbing the two fingers together while inside her.

Dude last night that freak i met at the bar asked me to give her the Goosie.

by DATANK133 May 30, 2009

22πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Goose bumps

When Gibson gives his Braveheart speech about freedom I get the goosies and my nipples get hard.

by Adaymnimfine September 15, 2013

36πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The shit that somehow travels from your asshole to your taint.

"Dude looks like you got a little goosie in your chode beard"

by Aaron Clancy September 1, 2006

14πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

goosy goony

gΓΊ-see gΓΊ-nee: The act of squeezing a woman in between her legs at the labia, from either the front or from behind. Derives from the word "goosing", to describe pinching a someone's behind, combined with "goony", to denote the specific location as being the "goona" or vagina.

The phrase is said while squeezing the area, as an exclamation, e.g., "Goosy goony! Goosy goony!"

by Hal Jackson April 6, 2006

56πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Goosie Boosies

Extreme case of the goose bumps.

The Phillies winning the World Series gave me the goosie boosies.

by Goosie Boosie December 30, 2009

Loosy goosy

a woman that is very floosy in doing so her pussy is very loose as loose as a goose due to the fact that gooses migrate south for the winter making them a very loose wild animal so loose+ goose = loosy goosy

Dang that girl is loosy goosy or Dang im not talking to nancy cause i heard she loosy goosy

by HAZ_DP_PIMP March 7, 2010

46πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž