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a beautifully stunning girl, and also a girl undiffiable to getting over after years

i wish i had that gossard to myself

by jeremy trite January 23, 2009

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

stone gossard

cool ass guitarist in the cool ass band pearl jam. wrote pretty much every pearl jam hit ever. once said β€œI write every song for Eddie, He’s my muse".

person 1: who's that guy playing guitar in front of 20k?

person 2: oh thats stone gossard!

by shoe-the-shoeless April 19, 2022

stone gossard

Guitarist for the band Pearl Jam. Often makes contorted constipated faces whilst changing chords. Walks like a duck and loves hugging trees. Sexuality has been questioned in the past. Likes to wear cowboy hats and plaid pants on stage as well as large dildos on his head.

Person A: "Yo, that guy on stage plays guitar like a duck about to take a dump"
Person B: "That's Stone Gossard!"

by imtheocean May 25, 2008

29πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Standard Gossard Deviation

The point in time when although things are working fine a complete system restart has occured

Them: How'd things go last night during registration?

Me: Well as you can see by this graph, thigs were working but here you see the standard gossard deviation, then it was busy again.

Them: What an idiot!

by justsomeahole January 30, 2012