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1 - a complaint about being treated in an unfair way:

have a grievance: People know who to go to if they have a grievance.
2 - a feeling that you have been treated in an unfair way:
sense of grievance: This sense of grievance began with the confiscation of their land.
nurse a grievance: For years he nursed a grievance against his former employer.

1 - Managers were presented with a long list of grievances.

by peaceman January 8, 2008

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A particular variation of the victim card in which a person gains sympathy or social status by amassing experiences of perceived sleights or injustices. Grievance-collecting can be entirely fabricated, true, or a mix of the two. Grievance-collectors can never forgive or see another side of the story, because surrendering any grievance would result in loss of power over other people. Grievance-collecting can be personal, or part of a politically correct group dynamic.

If you call her, she will be angry. If you don't call her, she will be angry. Either way, she gets what she wants, and it will be used against you - because she doesn't actually want to patch things up. She's just grievance-collecting.

by Father Hollywood December 5, 2018

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Grievance Hierarchy

When your minority status, or "otherness", out trumps another's.

Mickey's a drag queen. He's gay, and he dresses in drag.

So is Logan, but Mickey is gay, dresses in drag, and is Asian. His point of view is definitely higher on the grievance hierarchy scale!

by HiddenRightHere April 13, 2023

grievance rights

The rights to have a grievance against a company, political or religious institution.

He practiced his grievance rights by suing the company who terminated his contract without any reason.

by Genomic Madness April 4, 2019

grievance pipe

Laying pipe to someone who is grieving and in an inconsolable state to make them feel better

Neej: Dude I just gave grievance pipe to my girlfriend

Ben: Ah shit what happened?
Neej: Her dog died so I wanted to make her feel better

by LopesUpBro! December 12, 2015

Post-show grievance

A feeling of emptiness or void after watching a show or movie that would have typically occupied your time and knowing that it ended and knowing all the characters will never be seen again.

Man im going through Post-show grievance after I finished watching The Office

by pplayersrock November 27, 2020

Grievance Culture

A shared narrative of victimhood that seeks to subvert and replace old traditions, cultures, and institutions to uplift the victims. Usually leads to a formation of a new moral in-group for activist movements and reparations.

The descriptive version of the Red Pill regarding male and female nature is often confused with the prescriptive versions of the Red Pill and its movements as well as its grievance cultures.

by saintsundere September 15, 2024