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A misspelling of "Gross".

That show about a loli loving her brother is GROSE!

It's spelled "gross", they are not related by blood, and were going out before their parents married.

by Kiflaam September 19, 2018

27👍 19👎


Something that is disturbing, disgusting, slightly awkward or really just not right. It is a word to fill the awkward silence between someone telling you something that you really didn't want to know about a relationship or a medical condition...

Dude, she gave me an STD...

Thats grose man...

by OmegaTwig February 21, 2010

323👍 397👎


Grose is a shortened word for grotesque or a new way to spell gross

Your mom's cooking is grose

by Fellow fander October 3, 2021

2👍 1👎

oliver grose

a gay ranga who like recieving cock from william beasley

you are an oliver grose

by weepeeurine October 13, 2019

1👍 3👎


Grose is a shortened word for grotesque or a new way to spell gross

Your mom's cooking is grose

by Fellow fander October 3, 2021