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Pittsburguese for rubber bands.

The man at the store put a gumband on the customer's newly purchased poster.

by Patrick Judge October 28, 2004

107👍 8👎


a loop of thin rubber that is wrapped around objects to hold them together. Pittsburghese

"I have gumbands on my wrist to represent tha struggle."

by DeAndre December 1, 2005

50👍 20👎


another word for "rubberbands"
used primarily by those from the Pittsburgh, PA area.

Teacher: Ok, who's been flinging gumbands across the room?
Jimmy: Not me, teacher!

by KarmaGhost April 27, 2004

48👍 7👎


What ignorant non-Pittsburghers call refer to as rubber bands.

Did you just shoot that gumband in my eye?

by John Lease February 11, 2004

15👍 29👎