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A tree spirit entity. Arguably father nature. Human eyes cannot and will not ever see him out of tree form. He will fuck you up if you’re a dick to nature. Hanchism is a sub-religion created by the tree people.

“Dawg I’ve commited so many nature sins. I’m fucked aren’t I.”

“Yea Hanch is comin for that ass

by Hanchist February 11, 2020

11👍 1👎


An ugly ass looking lady

Shut up man, you can't say anything about my chick. You girl a hanch.

by Finding_Nemohoes February 2, 2019

2👍 8👎


Fisting a girl until she weeps

I gave that girl a good hanching the other day

by kingoling April 3, 2011


An organism that scientists in Madagascar recently discovered and it has the power to heal things super quickly. They mostly only did studies on fresh water perch but it healed their wounds very quickly. So they decided to start trying it on humans. The only issue was that when it was applied your skin turned like this faint red and never left. So they’re trying to now adapt hanche so that you don’t turn red but can stay the same. So we are trying to use some hanche so that we can become red.

My mother abdanoned me in a Denny’s parking lot with a man named Clarence and all they fed me was a HANCHEEEE.

by chesiremydude March 8, 2018