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hand soap

There are 3 types of hand soap. One type is the foaming kind which is softer and more fun for kids to play with while washing their hands.
Another type of soap is liquid soap. It has about the same consistency as shampoo. It's an average soap and easiest to use.
The final type of soap is bar soap. To use it, put water on your hands, then rub the soap on your hands. These soap bars are slippery so be careful.

Joe: "This bar soap is so slippery! I hope I don't drop it."
*Drops it*
"Wait. Is the hand soap dirty or is the floor clean? I can still use this soap then."

by NicoledaTaco March 9, 2017

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hand soap

Used to describe something white, sticky, and gooey.

Used as an innuendo for semen.

This girl didn't know what hand soap was, so i told her it was something that was white and gooey. Her reaction was priceless.

by pnutbutter0789 April 1, 2017

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Washed her hand in Ivory soap


She had cum on her hand after masturbation/washed her hand in ivory soap

by Plato Disciple December 26, 2014

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Hand soap wack

A Hand soap wack is the act of using hand soap instead of lotion to finish a beating session because you ran out of lotion.

Genghis Khan: fuck hitler do you have any more lotion.
Hitler: Have you ever been using a fuck ton of lotion and you run out and can’t finish dry because your too much of a bitch.

Genghis Khan: yeah I’m being one right now.
Hitler: well do the hand soap wack to finish that jack.
Genghis Khan: Hitler this why you killed yourself.

by PUSSY_SLAYR July 22, 2021