Source Code

Healthy One

When A large amount of poop is released from the body and the person has a refreshing feeling afterwards

Kiersten : Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! That's it baby cum for me!
Jake : Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh! O Crap!
Kiersten : Oh Baby What's Wrong?
Jake : I need to poop!
Kiersten : God Damn't Hurry Up!
Jake : Ahhhh! That was A Healthy One!
Kiersten : Gee thanks for sharing I hope you flushed?
Jake : Nope I want you to see my masterpiece for yourself!
Kiersten : You Mother Fucker go flush the damn toilet or no more sex tonight!
Jake : Fine i'll just take a picture of my Healthy One!
Kiersten : Put my phone down You Piece Of Shit!
Jake : Oops I dropped it in my poo!
Kiersten : YOU FUCKER!!!

by SlopNChop November 21, 2017