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The most incredibly good-looking guy that i hope has more to him than meets the eye but still have to find that out even after these seven long months of starin

first name begins wit J..

by remgirl November 30, 2003

19πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The feeling of being a heathen.

Sean feels super heathy in church.

by Yeahfuckoffsean March 22, 2018

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Heathy Squid

pron. heeth-ey, skwid-
A bottom dwelling creature known commonly to the Yamba region.

To this date there has been sightings to only one specimen of this species. Many argue that it is the sub-speices or offspring of a Squid and a grub.
First sighted in 1992 this creature has been reported to make life on land, yet stay very inactive during daylight hours. During the night it has most commonly been seen in attempts at faunicating with other species whilst indulging on fermented fruits.

Scientific studies resulted in noticing highly social behaviours with another endangered bottom dwelling crustacean, the Jamoshell Clam. Whilst in company of each other the two would often take part in courtship and the caressing one another.
Sightings of the Heathy Squid have been less prominent in recent months. Yet there have been claims that the creature has migrated north to warmer climates for breeding. Leaving the Jamoshell Clam in a state of confusion and paranoia. Jamoshell sightings have now been less regular suggesting the creature has gone back down to the depths for hibernation.

"I saw the Jamoshell and Heathy Squid thing the other night, it was disgusting"

by esta_ August 22, 2014

good for you you look happy and heathy not me if you ever cared to ask

good for you olivia rodrigo lyrics main thing


by A v e r y Β°-Β° June 21, 2021

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Heathy is an amazing person that defines what a man should be.he’scaring, honest, strong, sweet, gorgeous, funny, talented, firm, witty, loaded with sex appeal! The Heathy I've met had me captured within a week of knowing him! His voice follows me everywhere I go, making me think of him over and over throughout my days! If you know a Heathy or mine for that matter, you would feel special every time you are around him! I catch so many others being attracted to him, making me feel honored to have him as mine! Don't take Heathy for granted because you loose him, and you loose alot! I cherish my Heathy, and all that he makes me! What a AWESOME perfect person Heathy is!

My heathy is always with me deep down

by TDG_CHARLIEEE August 20, 2020