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Person who is annoying or difficult to the point of being a pain in the ass; an annoying person whose presence unwanted to the extreme

My mother-in-law is a hemmorhoid and difficult to treat with anything approaching civility.

by Bert Homecky August 13, 2006

27👍 14👎

hemmorhoid arthritis

This is a real pain in the ass!

Oh shit,hemmorhoid arthritis,ouch,my ass hurts just thinking about it.

by johnny and plank October 11, 2005

7👍 5👎

hemmorhoid sauce

the juice from a hemdroid while getting anally fucked by two homosexual gentlemans

lets get some hemmorhoid sauce for our friday night pizza paarty!!

by deuce in the butt January 3, 2010

1👍 9👎

rigger monkey hemmorhoids

Special sensors that allow the wordrigger monkeyword maximum ability to steer the entry of rigger's cocks into his manhole

Cats gots to have their whiskers. Rigger Monkeys gots to have their rigger monkey hemmorhoids.

by Hannibal March 29, 2003

1👍 6👎