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To rest one's flaccid penis inside their partner's vagina. Usually done while post-coitus sleeping, but can be done without sexual intercourse. Spooning position works best, usually requires an erect penis for initial penetration.

I holstered inside my girl for 9 hours yesterday, my dick was pruned when I pulled it out!

by Dongo July 19, 2017

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The definition of this word is ok /no problem it’s a common slang used in Ireland

β€œAre you and Martyna lipsing ?”

by Vivianx4 October 13, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


More known as a gun, Holster is the COOLIEST kid on the block, around the block, inside the block, over it, under it, and outside the block. She loves tim and jerm more than she hates animals, and that's a LOT. She comes off as a stunning soft chick, but she can make you shut your mouth if you piss her off. But the most important of all, she's best friends with two kids tht aren't even one millionth of as cool as she is. named Tim and Jerm. If she wasn't in existance, neither would Tim and Jerm. They come as ONE.

Tim: Yo Holster is the $h!+.
Person 1: isn't that a gun?
Jerm: I dunno, chief.
Tim: omg she's the coolest bitch on the planet! If you don't know her then gtfo!

by TimOhTee July 6, 2011

3πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

In the Holster

The act of sleeping with one's penis safely rested in their partners buttcrack for easy and quick access in the morning. Buttsex for the working man.

Jack nessled his dude in the walls of Mike's ass. When Mike asked what that damp, slimy feeling on his behind was; Jack replied "Just placin it in the holster babe"

by Beisner March 30, 2005

25πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A very annoying troll In the game Combat Arms that Hangs out in Golf Channel 2. He used to be in alpha 1 until Nexon added clearance levels.

He goes on and on about religious bullshit.

holsters: The apocalypse will not only bring pain, but also knowlage.
me: sdfu holsters
random noob: someone gift me a black key!

by georgepiejr May 7, 2010

28πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The strings that go next to your face on Camrenβ„’ brand pants

If you wear them you get arrested

Markers sold separately

"Whoa look at the holster of that dudes pants, ya think they're Camrensβ„’?"

by MaxieIsGay December 19, 2017

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Under control by the person you're in a relationship with. I.e: whipped

"Bro she made you go in the store to by tampons alone, you're so holstered!"

by 15frederickk June 25, 2014

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž