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(Coined by Ms. Jamie M. Kuechler in 2003.)
Noun used to refer so something or someone that is uber-cool.

"You're such a big hotchy!"
"I'd sure like a piece of that hotchy!"

by WeeZLe November 7, 2004

16👍 13👎


traditional Chinese belief to be inherent in all things.style, grace,persistence,and power.one that is higher than that of the human body:
1. full of enthusiasm; eagerly intent; ardent
2. inflamed with sexual desire; lustful

3.very controversial
4.skillful and successful

Unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body held to be essential to good health.

i associate myself with "hotchi" individuals

by yo tui July 10, 2009

2👍 1👎


Hot/Sketchy. Something that is cool/barely made. Usually applies to skateboarding.

"That was a pretty hotchy treflip."
"I know. I barely landed it."

by lcmeh February 8, 2009

4👍 5👎


An unsuspecting goose being molested by a dooby.

Whoa, look at the dooby molesting that hotchie.

by IrritableRomance October 28, 2007

2👍 14👎

Hotchy Motchy

Exclamation of surprise or excitement, usually involving food or nice looking females

"Hotchy Motchy, free meatballs!", exclaimed the Bishop.

by Chris Lawson June 18, 2003

12👍 4👎

hotchie motchie

Used to express panic and/or horror

Randy screamed, "HOTCHIE MOTCHIE!!" after slamming his finger in the car door.

by Dagny October 8, 2003

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Adjective: Nobody can take her place, no way they can match her face, no. She got it goin' on in a way so clear, you just wanna buy her a beer.

Origin: Term coined by Chef from South Park, CO. Can be found on the Chef Aid Soundtrack, in his ode to Kathy Lee.

"There's only one word that can describe you, you're a flippity-floppity-hotchy-mama ooh ooh."

by chazmodeus January 25, 2007

9👍 2👎