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In México, an extremely lazy person. In Chile, Dude or a stupid person, similar to the mexican güey.

Mexico: Don't be huevón and start working!

Chile: What's up, huevón. That guy is such a huevón.

by thekingofhell March 1, 2004

339👍 76👎


muchos significados:
- tipo, sujeto
- estúpido, imbécil, pendejo

by Anonymous April 4, 2003

96👍 65👎


In Chile, among friends say "huevón".

Hey "huevón", have you see the new teacher?

by Luciano Vera February 9, 2005

83👍 62👎


Main Entry: hue·von
Pronunciation: u-a-von
Function: noun

1. A stupid fuck and/or prick.
2. Spanish word for a person excelling in the art of stupidity.
3. A man with particularily large, hanging balls. In many latin countries, the size of a man's balls is directly proportional to his inteligence (large balls=pea sized intellect).

related uses: hueva; diminutive: huevonsito; others: huevonsote or huevota

That huevón wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground!
I'm sick of that huevon talking shit all the time

Ese huevón no sabe mas que hablar mierda todo el dia!
Me tiene mamado ese huevosito!

by nasser117 December 19, 2004

44👍 70👎


Latin for lazy fuck.

Ese cabron is bien huevon.
That asshole is a lazy fuck.

by Polo October 19, 2003

32👍 56👎