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an athlete in track who likes to hurdle, not jump, over hurdles while running in hopes of winning a race. hurdlers are amazing athletes who work incredibly hard to acieve "perfect form". there usually pretty hot too.

jason brody could never be a hurdler or understand them because he is not an amazing athlete

by 99cali99 November 13, 2006

99๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


crazy white boy that jumps shit and likes to jump shit

Yo that white boy be mad trippin...
hell yea son... his ass must be a hurdler!!!

by Frank "Scarface" H March 25, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mutant form of a track runner. These strange people derive pleasure from running a race with shit in the way. No one is quite sure why they would want to jump over things and run. When asked why, they reply, "Its a hurdle thing."

Why try to understand the Hurdler

by Jason Brody December 7, 2003

206๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Turd Hurdler

A person who lazy, unorganized, and messy. One who just throws anything and everything where ever and is content with leaving it there.(i.e. 'throws shit everywhere')

Person 1: "I hear you guys got a new mechanic in the shop"

Person 2: " Sure did, his name is Marshall"

Person 1: "Same guy who worked over in Byers"

Person 2: "Yep, what you know"

Person 1: " Good luck, he used to be my old roommate, dudes a turd hurdler "

Person 2: "Well crap, just got rid one those"

by BeanBuddy86 August 11, 2016

Turd Hurdler

A girls' very shapely backside. Made very visible by the tight clothing.

Wow, look at the "Turd Hurdler" on that chick!!

by Mark Langen December 23, 2006

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300m hurdler

An incredibly dim witted male or female, who feels the urge to run their butt off while showing off by jumping at designated times within the grueling 300m hurdle race.

Do you see how much he shows Jesse shows off? He must be a 300m hurdler.

by VictoriaPerVereratio August 30, 2010

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A Foreigner that doesnt speak English well. Often from a 3rd world country

That turd hurdler doesnt belong in this chat group.

by Sirenlilith February 16, 2019

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