Source Code


Means to be quiet, or to shut the fuck up


Him: “answer my question
Her: “hush

by Copyright © May 8, 2020

45👍 2👎


A game designed for people made of pure mental toughness, and a nice way to spice things up in the bedroom . While on the phone with a friend or family member proceed to have sex while on the phone. Hold a conversation without moaning or giving it away that you are having sex . If the person catches on or begins to suspect you then you lose.

Me and my girlfriend played hush last night

by liono August 12, 2017

10👍 5👎


Referring to a person or persons you have sexual relations with that you don't want people to know about, usually to be kept a secret from your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Josh: "hey Alison, when we gonna hangout again tonight?"

Brad: " Dude, I thought you and KC were still together...?"

Josh: "We are, that's just the new hush"

by ThE1uLoVe2HaTe February 18, 2014

28👍 48👎


It’s like lowkey Peng mixed with calm

Last night was sooo hush

Yo she’s kinda hush 🤫

Nah bro that’s hush

by TrapShack Boys September 1, 2020

4👍 4👎

hush hush

Keeping something secret...like when you tell someone to hush or keep quiet.

Keep it on the hush hush.

by Rich Rapper June 19, 2018

29👍 2👎

Hush Hush

To keep things secret or an inside joke

Hush Hush: Don't tell anyone but the teacher

"Text me all your exam answers and let's keep this thing hush-hush?"

by UnicornRainbowCandy October 21, 2018

on the hush-hush

Keep it quiet.

"I think Bill's Mom is a hottie, but keep it on the hush-hush. I don't want him to think im wierd.

by JJ fo shizzle November 4, 2003

42👍 12👎