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N. A congenital, often hereditary skin disease marked by dry, thickened, scaly skin. Also called fishskin disease. This disease is very rare, and has no current cure, only treatments.

See Harlequin Fetus.

A friend I know has a certain form of ichthyosis, and the other kids call him "Fishskin."

by Jimmithy October 22, 2004

37👍 7👎

Harlequin ichthyosis

A thing you really want to look up on google. Babies that look the cutest in the world.


dan:do you love babies?
sophie:yea, they are the best thing in the world
dan:look up harlequin ichthyosis on google
sophie:dies from shock(they are too cute)

by posif May 10, 2022

5👍 46👎