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An internship is when (usually a college undergraduate) goes and works for a company who can get away with paying him a very small salary or often nothing because he hasn't graduated yet.

It's basically just working to make someone rich and getting nothing in return - the modern equivalent of slavery, except nowadays, people are actually willing.

Person A: Hey! I got an internship with yahoo this summer!

Person B: Awesome! What will your job involve?

Person A: Correcting grammatical errors, making cups of coffee.. you know the usual - they're paying me $50 bucks at the end of the six weeks.

Person B: That sounds fantastic! That'll really benefit your career in the years to come.

by porcolatos April 23, 2009

211👍 45👎

Unpaid Internship

An act of desperation primarily employed by career-oriented underclassmen who lack the necessary skills to claim that they have employable skills.

Synonyms: Indentured servitude

Chad took an unpaid internship at his daddy's firm to put an extra line on his resume.

by bloopy123 June 25, 2018

hand internship

A little taste of a hand job

Guy: hey baby. I have a surprise in my pocket for you
Girl: ew. Are you asking me to give you a hand job
Guy: no, more like a hand internship

by H-Dawg_ May 14, 2015

9👍 1👎

meat internship

meet in-turn-ship
1. when a man's girlfriend treats him like a piece of meat.
2. a man who is training to become a simp would be enrolled in a "meat internship".
3. a simp in development is a meat intern.
4. a simp in the making is a meat intern.
5. a meat internship is the first processes in becoming a simp.

•wyatt puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, wyatt has begun his meat internship.

•wyatt puts too much value on a female for no reason, wyatt is a meat intern.

•wyatt prides himself with "Chivalry" in hopes of getting sexual gratification form women . wyatt's friends say he is enrolled in a meat internship and on his way in becoming a simp.

•A "Yes Dear, Man" Simp is enrolled in a meat internship.

by youtube AsV March 30, 2020