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Itchy Ass

When you have an itchy ass you would probably go into the bathroom and grab some ass wipe and just wipe it until it becomes non itchy or, you could just take the grody way and itch it with your fish smelling fingers.

Tyler: I have such and itchy butthole dude!
Ria: Lmao you have a itchy ass
Tyler: Guess i'll go and itch it with my fingers bye!

by robloxmantheman October 25, 2019

itchy ass syndrome

the sweaty, itchy, cheesy feeling between your ass cheeks which usually occurs from sweating or not wiping your ass good enough. In other words, give it a second wipe.

About 5 mins after taking a dump I started to obtain itchy ass syndrome.

by Knobert August 29, 2006

103👍 38👎

itchy ass syndrome

most itchy asses are the result of either rubbing toilet paper too hard or poor hygiene like going to bed with a sweaty crack. wash it before bed and go easy on it when cleaning and itchy ass will go away.

my itchy ass syndrome is better now that i keep it clean

by juansheeet March 5, 2017

Itchy Poop Ass

Itchy Poop Ass occurs in the male population and is caused by insufficient wiping after defecation. As time progresses, the victim of Itchy Poop Ass (IPA), will begin to notice the agitation of the anus and surrounding area. The only known cure to Itchy Poop Ass is a shower.

Man Harrison I got some really bad Itchy Poop Ass because I didn't wipe properly today. I am going to have to leave work and take a shower.

by J Barn November 27, 2007

13👍 5👎

itchy loose ass

Diarrhea so bad it seeps out causing a itchy burning sensation.

Taco bell gives me itchy loose ass

by Swaffhausen December 12, 2022