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jizz party

1. A party in which the aim is to ejaculate as much or as fast as possible, as may involve a soggy biscuit

2. Some sort of party which apparently involves computer programming and plastic bags. Taught in IADT Dun Laoghaire.

1. "What a jizz party! I jizzed so much I jizzed myself dry and passed out!"

2. "You can jizz up the application. Have a jizz party and bring plastic bags!"

by Gav O'Brien May 28, 2008

6👍 3👎

jizz party

A party where male ejaculate is the primary theme. Such a party usually involves a competition. One such competeition involves half-naked women standing inside kiddy pools. The rules usually applied to such a game is that each male at the party masturbates beside one of the women. He then ejaculates onto the woman. The semen then glides down her naked body and collects in the kiddy pool. The woman with the most semen in her kiddy pool at the end wins a prize.

Yo, you hear that Mark and Cisco are having an epic jizz party tomorrow night. I hope Tania is invited. I'll make her win by 5 gallons.

by oneangryzeus April 21, 2010

5👍 5👎

Jizz Party

when you nut and continue to fuck.

Damn, he's wild! They had a jizz party!

by panda94 December 30, 2017