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A Japanese violent word which belong to Nouns less than "Shit", sometimes Adjectives. The original meaning of English is like: residue, lees, precipitation. It can take a few types of meaning and also indicate a direction of feelings. Often can be used against worthless/useless objects, inhumane act, and subhumans rather than human being.

kore ha tada no kasu desu. (This is just a crap.)
omae ha kasu ika da. (You are less than garbage.)
kasu ga! (You scum!)
Shine Kasu(Die scum!)

by P_CHAN1980 October 7, 2015

31👍 7👎


Cutest, sweetest shark boi in existence, he deserves all the love

God I love Kasu, he's just the sweetest lil bean ever

by Nova Katt June 2, 2022


kasu is sus, he is a sussy imposter :)

he is kasus !

by vihyel August 26, 2021


a trap

Careful, that girl might be a Kasu.

by amadsabverasadillo September 9, 2018