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noun. A type of falcon belonging to the genus Falco that is distributed worldwide. It is a fierce bird of prey measuring nearly 9" inches long with an impressive wingspan of 21". This bird is widely believed to have the most ass-kicking power per gram of any bird known to man. It has been known to prey on creatures weighing many times more than its own body weight.

"Holy shit!! that kestrel just killed an ate that entire pack of wolves!! Man, kestrels are so badass."

by birdman May 8, 2004

81๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


An alternative street name for the drug, Ketamine (RS)-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)- cyclohexan-1-one

Im just cooking up 15g of Kestrel

by JaKestrel March 9, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its a bird you dumb shit.

Kestrel pwnz u

by Kestrel June 9, 2003

61๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


#1 Act of being needy or the need to have problems worse than others, to alienate friends by constant complaining. also known as the Woe IS Me syndrome.
#2 A person who constantly complains.

oh he is getting all kestrel now and feeling sorry for himself.

by taxprokitty September 9, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A green clover

Man, that Kestrel is bright green

by Boner Dragon June 6, 2003

9๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kestrel Forest

A forest that is 100% managed by mother nature, so that all living things can co-exist in perfect harmony. In a Kestrel Forest the rights of wildlife far exceeds those of humans.

Panger: "How'd you guys finish that FMP lab so fast?"
Jesse: "It was easy, we just used the Kestrel Forest method... 0% Volume harvested"
Panger: "MUH!"

by Jeff_L. October 28, 2010

Sex Kestrel

The RSPB may be complaining about the increasing lack of native British thorna, but they have failed to take into account, as far as I am aware, the uprise in the number of Sex Kestrels roaming the skys and industrial wastelands of the United Kingdom.

The humble Sex Kestrel seeks out its prey in the most immoral and humiliating places, leading, in many cases, to the hunted being thoroughly humiliated with his, or her, trousers down. Often, the prey is engaging in a little domestic rogering, either on their own or as part of a large social gathering, consisting of one laptop computer, Google images, and other industrial strength activities.

The Sex Kestrel swoops with unrivalled accuracy, and with the greatest degree of care, it carries out its lawful acts. Hovering over and around the Rogers, it successfully humiliates them and reveals their antics to the wider population, causing discust within the community, anger within the elderely and erections within the gay bars.

Lest we forget though, the Sex Kestrel is a powerful weapon in the war against rogering. Rogering is a sin, and as such, the perpetrators should be punished using all measures that are deemed nessecary.

All hail the Sex Kestrel!

The Sex Kestrel swooped on the latest informal, but rather damp, group of young Rogers involved in the art of Arse Warbling. May its phychotic vocal ramblings me a measure of awefullness forever and a day.

by Becky Barnett June 5, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž