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Very nice and sweet loving girl she always try’s and helps her friends out first before caring about herself she can be really nice to you unless ur on her bad side

“She’s the nicest girl I’ve ever met she must be a kileigh

Kileigh was nice at first but then she got mad at me now she’s ignores me”

by May1133 May 4, 2019

15👍 2👎


A smart sporty beautiful girl who loves much more than she shows. Hot and super funny. As she may be falling for guys they fall for her to!

Wow look at her she must be a Kileigh

by Oofmaker101 April 23, 2019

18👍 3👎


A sexy sweet beautiful girl tends to be very freaky but also shy at first

Cameron-“Damn that Kileigh girl was all over me last night and got asf

by Billybob3.0 March 21, 2018

16👍 3👎


This is a name given to a female who is extremely beautiful inside and out. She doesn’t see her true beauty, but also knows she’s a bad bitch. She’s trying to be happy and who she wants to be, but it’s a lot harder than she thought. Kileigh is strong. Kileigh is independent. Kileigh is beautiful. Kileigh is sweet. Kileigh is hilarious and an amazing friend. To have a Kileigh in your life is to have someone so truly amazing, who will always care about you and sacrifice herself so that you are happy. Do not lose a Kileigh. I love my Kileigh and hope she stays in my life. Love your Kileigh too.

Friend 1: do you know Kileigh?

Friend 2: OMG YEAH, i love her lol she’s so funny !

by your soul is bright April 11, 2020

6👍 2👎


Fine beautiful an amazing girl to date and she is so nice she usually likes boys with the name Braden and she wears glasses her boyfriend loves her more than anything

Braden is dating Kileigh

by Big D Big daddy January 29, 2022


a crazy girl who loves to be a rebel and is funny

im scared of that girl over there, she seems like a kileigh

by jager bomb bastic June 15, 2014

46👍 15👎


She has a big but she is shy at first but once you get to know her she is amazing and she has a amazing personality she is popular and tends to be a little freaky but not to much she is beautiful but acts like she is not and she is just over all amazing😇

Boy one Kileigh got a boyfriend
Boy two No way he is so lucky

by Big D Big daddy February 5, 2022