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Total badass. Smartest Man in the world. athletic specimen, you will see him tearing up every sport.

Overall an elite guy

Kordian you are so amazing

I had no chance I was playing against Kordian

by Denisk98 November 7, 2019

15👍 7👎


shooting yourself because of something unbearable.
reference to Kordian, from Juliusz Słowacki's play "Kordian" where the main character has a suicide attempt.

"Have you seen this picture?"
"It makes me want to do a Kordian so much."

by Lafayette kin January 27, 2023


The most polish man you will ever know, if you meet a man named kordian you need to give him vodka or he will come and get you

I bet that guy is a kordian he is so polish

by Kuse October 10, 2018


An extremely ugle male.. whos existance is futile and does not matter at all... Kordians are always gay btw
- Efun 2019

Kordian why are you shooting up the school
Kordian is #1 osu payer

by Efun July 22, 2019

1👍 10👎


1. to smash ones desk so hard that it gets obliterated
2. to forcefully insert your smol pp inside of their hole
3. to be gay or lesbian
4. to beat a 13* on osu
5. to beat a little kid to death
6. to have lust so bad you ejaculate on the spot
7. to rage at something

I just "Kordianated" her out of existance,
Efun: "what happened to that girl who always used to come to your house" Kordian: "oh I 'Kordianated' her"
- :) efun

by Efun July 22, 2019

4👍 1👎


A very cool and funny guy, and a loving friend.

Do you know Kordian?
Yeah he's a cool and funny guy

by Lt. Autism July 22, 2019

1👍 1👎