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From the Chinese. To grovel, or pay obeisance to.

If you don't kowtow to the boss, you'll be out of a job.

by Rod Brock May 15, 2006

90👍 15👎


To bow deeply with one's head touching the ground. This act of respect is mostly done out of fear, the fear of death or torture. If the situation is tense, it is best to kowtow, and try to gain the smile of the Queen.

Please kowtow to the Leprechaun Queen, or she will promtly send you to the cookie dungeon and kill you. Have fun!

by Queen Bloristuter May 5, 2008

46👍 23👎


To bow deeply with one's head touching the ground. This act of respect is mostly done out of fear, the fear of death or torture. If the situation is tense, it is best to kowtow, and try to gain the smile of the Queen.

Please kowtow to the Leprechaun Queen, or she will promtly send you to the cookie dungeon and kill you. Have fun!

by Queen Bloristuter May 3, 2008

19👍 11👎