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A shortened version of Krav Maga, a highly specialized fighting technique used mainly by military (especially Israeli) and LE.

This is not an "art", it is straight up just how to kill someone as fast as possible

Hey, watch out for Abraham man, he's quiet, but that Jew knows Krav.

by IDF -Sgan Aluf Amzi- May 4, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb - to kick someone in the genitals. This is based on the widely held perception the that first attack in Krav Manga is a groin attack.

It's also believed to be the second and third attack. Few people require a fourth attack of this type.

Kristi kraved the old lady who annoyed her.

Brand was expelled for kraving his entire third grade class.

Aaron got kraved so hard he threw up his spleen.

by Leo 504 December 2, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


stupid fucking russian prick who likes shoving anal beads up his ass and then suckin my dick.

God, you're such a krav.

by Esseff December 15, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of putting crabs on a grill.

syona loves to krav late at night when she's lonely.

by thatdamnginger&whitewashedazn August 8, 2012

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Krav Tattoo

The series of bruises incurred by practitioners of Krav Maga , usually but not exclusively, along the arms and legs.

The forearms are particularly prone to this during 360ยฐ defence drills as are shins during kick defence drills and sparring.

Awesome Krav session last night, I have a brand new Krav tattoo!

My Krav tattoo hurts like a bastard!

by bribeasy May 17, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Krav Chick

'Krav Chick' refers to all the girls, women and ladies who practice the Israelian self-defense system Krav Maga.

Being a 'Krav Chick' is not about affiliation, organisation or politics, it's about female empowerment, strength, beauty and independence.

For men it is, obviously, impossible to be known as a 'Krav Chick'.

Joe: Hey, did you hear she practices Krav Maga?
Gavin: Yeah, she's a real Krav Chick!

Ed: So, how is Krav Maga training?
Earl: Lame, way too many guys! We only have two Krav Chicks. :(
Ed: Ah, too bad.

by kravlady June 14, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed by the Israeli army. In Hebrew, the Krav Maga literally means "contact combat." Developed by Hungarian boxer and wrestler Imrich Lichtenfeld in the 1930s, the technique was first used by Israeli underground paramilitary organizations such as Haganah. When Israel became an official country in 1948, Lichtenfeld was appointed Chief Instructor and Combat Trainer for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Since then, Krav Maga has spread, and it's now practiced in over 30 countries around the world. At first view, Krav Maga may look like a martial art, but it's actually a form of combat with no rules and no limitations. Martial arts such as Judo, Karate, and even wrestling are considered sports; Krav Maga, on the other hand, is a regulated form of combat. In fact, the point of Krav Maga is to take the enemy down as quickly as possible. Some teachers of Krav Maga explain it as "the art of going home alive," which means that groin strikes, choking, and headbutts are considered acceptable moves.

In addition to using their bodies to fight, practitioners of Krav Maga are taught to use the environment as a weapon. This means learning to use any object nearby, from bottles to baseball bats, as a gun-substitute. The objective of Krav Maga is to avoid injury in real-life scenarios, such as fights, street attacks, and violent encounters. Advanced students of Krav Maga learn to defend themselves from gun and knife attacks, multiple attacker scenarios, headlocks, and ground fighting. Most self-defense classes today teach some variation of Krav Maga. Military training in Krav Maga is more extreme, including manual killing techniques, defense against grenades, and disarmament of the enemy. All military and police offices in Israel are trained in Krav Maga, and so are many Special Forces Units around the world. In the US, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the United States Marine Corps, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Anti-terrorism Specialty Team all learn Krav Maga as part of their physical training.

by Dancing with Fire January 17, 2011

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