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Kroxldyphivc.... Something that presents Kroxldyph-like qualities.

This word was used in the Southpark episode: Hooked on monkey phonics. The definition above was given by the mayor. When asked by Kyle (this is all at a spelling bee) to use it in a sentance, she says; kroxldyphivc is a hard word to spell.

Kyle just stands there looking confused and pissed off.

Kroxldyphivc is a hard word to spell.

by Lord Schubert August 21, 2007

417👍 47👎


A soft Material, Often used to clean windows.

This word was also used in the popular show "South park" But i'm gonna make it into a real word because Fuck you

"Hey, Man. Did you get the Kroxldyphivc for the windows?"

"Why aren't you just calling it window cleaner?"


by not a big mun July 21, 2020

27👍 42👎


its first recorded use was in the comedy show south park in hopes of making fun of words that are hard to spell... Definition) a Exaggerated feature of something

that cartoon characters nose is very Kroxil, ok ok you are very kroxldyphivc. basically meaning, ok you Exaggerate to much

by not a big mun November 26, 2019

2👍 24👎


a word used in south park butim gonna use the defenitiion they gave in the show, something kroxodylph like

that cat was very kroxldyphivc

by wilsonlol May 11, 2023