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Kyndall is a very funny and a very admirable girl who is known to win Agurments and she is very smart and intelligent she is somewhat caring but she will laugh in inappropriate times. Besides that she is known to use very big words and is very worldwide she is a friend you would want to hold on to

Kyndall is very funny ig idk

by Cupcakesandrainbows12345 April 3, 2018

142πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Kyndall is probably is most nicest and mots beautiul person you've ever met. She has a lot of friends and is most likely a tom boy. Most Kyndalls have brown hair and brown eyes. They are probably very athletic. She is most likely going through a lot right now so comfort her if you can. She is so hot that if you see her you would NOT want to pass her up. A lot of Kyndalls are very curvy too so that's a plus. Kyndall is most definetly someone you'd want to hang on to.

Ooh look at Kyndall, she's so hot

by XX-_LULU21 September 9, 2019

31πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Possibly the most beautiful, perfect woman ever. If she spells her name "Kyndall" instead of "Kendall" she stands out from the rest. She probably has crystal blue eyes and her hair color changes weekly, but that's ok because she looks good blond or brunette. If you find her, don't let her get away because you won't ever find another like her.

Wow. She's so beautiful! Her name is probably Kyndall. She probably spells it with a "Y" instead of an "E" too. I wish I was her.

by The_World's_Greatest May 14, 2013

284πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


Kyndall is a known sexypants. Kyndall is sweet and sexy. She will always make you smile. Watch out. She is WIFE MATERIAL. If you date her you will never date anyone else ever again because she is the best. Feed her salted caramel and win her heart. She sucks dick like a vacuum.

Dayum, you see his wife? She's a total Kyndall.

by bigbootywitches" June 6, 2017

40πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A girl who can be very pretty, but uses it to an advantage. She is popular because she tries to be awkward. It normally works. Can be brunette, but most likely has blonde hair and blue eyes. Never an only child. Friends names are somewhat Kate, Ann, Laurie, Parker, Lucas, or Katelyn. She can be very loyal, but can get confused on who her real friends are.

"Who is that?"

"Oh that's kyndall."

by Kyliecolette April 28, 2013

95πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Kyndall is an amazing friend that will always be their for you. She is very funny and smart. Is a very noble and kind spirited person. Has blue eyes and dirty blondish hair. Lovess everything about the beach. Overall great person and best friend

June 29th is my Best Freind Kyndall’s Birthday!

by Naked Zebra June 10, 2018

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful person inside and out. You don't even have to know everything about her to know she's a great person. Kyndall is the type of person who is nice to everyone. She will most likely have blonde hair and blue eyes. Kyndall is defiantly a friend you want to hold onto!

"Look at that pretty girl over there" "Oh wait that's Kyndall"

by chicks wingz February 23, 2016

24πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž