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Nice, Caring and tempered boy.
Who cares about friends and family.
Smart too!

Kyse never gets in trouble.

by Kyse April 6, 2018

6👍 2👎


the action of killing oneself intentionally.

kysed is also an instruction. It means, quite simply, “kill yourself”

pronunciation: kai sid

"he committed kysed at the age of forty"

by Zandingo_94 May 6, 2020


An extremely cocky dude. Always talks about his "8 pack". Is a player and thinks every Girl wants him but literally not one does.

Ew he's such a Kyse

by Cheerleader6616 November 6, 2017

6👍 5👎


Currently killing yourself.

I am currently kysing myself

by It'syaboijonesy October 7, 2017

2👍 3👎


when you’re having a brain malfunction / when you don’t understand something

i’m having a kyse

i don’t understand, i’m a bit kyse

by Nyle February 24, 2022