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Lacey: An extremely happy, gorgeous, confident, sensitive, intelligent, respectful, artistic, balanced, powerful woman. Lacey is a true and wonderful friend, girlfriend, wife and lover. She loves with her entire heart and does not settle for anything less than she deserves. She has incredible style and loves to dance, sing and create from her soul. She is a free spirit with an open mind who loves to be in nature as well as have an incredible night out in the city. She is down to earth and an all around fun gal who loves to smile laugh and enjoy life to its fullest in all she does. She is unlike anyone you will ever meet, she is the most amazing girl ever.

"She is the most amazing woman ever, She must be a Lacey!"

by free spirit girl March 5, 2010

1425πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž


The most prettiest girl ever she is so kind and has a great personality she is also very sensitive with her feelings she falls in love easy and doesn’t stop loving that person she is a great bestfriend, girlfriend and treats everyone great but can also be bitchy at times and get mad easily she is usually called hot, pretty , gorgeous or beautiful by the opposite sex

Wow she is gorg muse be a Lacey

by Unknown827 January 12, 2018

203πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is well dressed, looks bomb ass without a doubt, too much sauce.

Damn you looking lacey today.
Ok. I see you lookin Lacey.
My boy always be looking lacey.

by Ayyeemoney February 21, 2017

620πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


Most amazing best friend in the whole wide world. She can be a bitch, but she's sweet and caring. Will break your neck if you hurt her best friend.

I met a Lacey today.

by letsmakebabies? September 23, 2010

552πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


A stunningly gorgeous young woman. This type of girl likes to have fun and is extremely nice, smart, and friendly. She makes most girls jealous, and is one who all the guys like. This girl might be described as energetic, or one who has a sparky personality. The opposite sex might call her beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, amazing etc.. God was showing off when he created this person.

Random guy 1: "Lacey is so gorgeous."
Random guy 2: "Yeah she also has such a sparky personality."

Random girl 1: "I wish I could be like Lacey."

by Remmie10 January 7, 2012

144πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž



Lacey= Yeet

by Tessa and Will October 19, 2019

94πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Lacey is a cool, cute and sweet person. But when you mess with her you could be in for your worst nightmare. All the boyfriends she has are cute and hot asf. She doesn't admire people, people admire her 24/7. She is a hot ass girl who got all the confidence in the world she ain't scared of nobody. PERIODTT

Man my girlfriend is that lacey type of person and she is the best at it.

by I'm my own bae May 14, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž