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Many people live in Lovely Lambeth. Actually, not many, because its a little farm town in South London, wear all of the people wear cowboy hats, milk cows and herd sheep. They all join hands around their picket fences and sing country songs. They pride themselves on being a safe town, and spend all of their time at the Lambeth Arena and Community centre. They also spend a lot of time at Abe's, the sub place. And even though Lambeth just got a Subway, people still go to Abe's. Turn's out, the actually have 3 public schools! That leaves one for each person in Lambeth. If you go to Duffield, McEachren or Faith Community Christian School, you will probably get made fun of for it for the rest of your life. This is where the LAMBO'S live.

"Where do you live?"
"Oh, I live in Lovely Lambeth!"
"Where the Cows are?"
"Yes, gotta go feed the chickens now."

by Def.Writer July 11, 2008

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lambeth walk

To walk very fast to avoid being mugged, as in Lambeth, S London.

...Doing the Lambeth walk...OI!

by oracle March 13, 2004

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Lambeth academy

everyone is a neek and dead tings have the most chat

hi r u from Lambeth academy?
ewww ur a jbag and a neek

by sophie and eurelle r jbags April 17, 2021

stefanie lambeth

Stefanie Lambeth s as loyal as it comes . She has been through hell and back and back agian but still keeps a smile on her face. She will die take a bullet for her people. She has a heart made of gold and loves hard. She will never turn her back on you. If she said s she loves you that's what she means and that's for life no matter what. She'll go to war for you. And believe this she is beautiful, sexy and seems innocent . But don't let that pretty face fool ya she's a beast when you mess with her people. She a Str8 solider, a warrior and she is the storm. She'll stand up for her people if someone is talkin smack about them behind their back. She a leader by all means. Very independent and hayes to ask anyone for help.vshe loves the Lord and knows just how real God is. All around good person and loves to have fun. She brings a little sunshine with her and can brighten up a room. She's laid back and very passive. You really gotta do something terrible to get her mad but that's the worst idea ever. She plays no games and is not scared of a thing.

Stefanie Lambeth is a sexy fun loving real as they come look nd of woman.

by I am the storm October 2, 2020

lambeth walk

A form of dance made famous during the Second World War.

"Doing the Lambeth Walk, hey!"

by The Legend December 7, 2004

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lambeth college

Lambeth College is the place for all. All roadmen and all big and inflated girls who bend it like beckham for a lanky guy that goes to Lambeth College. Marijuana is smelt from a distance and the greys skin repels at the very sight of the scary tall and skinny drug dealers. Often you will find them at the Clapham McDonalds rollings splifs and trying to get phone numbers of other females. All in all it is at the heart of south london with a horrid scent.

Wagwarn u lost ur V a Lambeth College yh? Snm take my snap

by SouthBoundSkinner December 25, 2018

Josh Lambeth

Urinating on yourself so often that your house looks like the music video from the popular 1960's video of 'yellow submarine' this is both due to the colour of the pee and the shear fact that you must sein to survive

Oh fuck me sideways is that ''Josh Lambeth' what and absolute flubber bladder

by Joots MGoots April 9, 2018

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