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n. (LAY-tred): Latred is exhibited by someone with very little tolerance for tardiness. Latred can be verbalized or it can be given by a nonverbal cue such as turning around in one's chair in an exaggerated fashion to glare at the person who is late (often causing more disruption than the tardy person). Most often, high school teachers, elitist students, coworkers, and bailiffs are guilty of latred.

Latred is a form of straightred

I was late to the lecture and when I walked in, half of the people in the room turned around to stare at me...you could cut the latred with a knife...

by Thisisjohnsmith April 3, 2007


shorten version for the word later. mainly used for the phrase see you later.

i got to go, i have some stuff to do, LATR

by jon flores March 9, 2008

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A show based on a Rich & Sexy Male whose Star Sign is Leo.

#LATR - Last night I watched β€˜Life According to Ramiz’ .

by AfghanZoom May 21, 2018


crypto-faux-french for "see you at another time"

Yo, peace, I'm out of here. Latre. That's French.

by Cthon June 16, 2003

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"slang" "spanish" for later

im taking off man, ill see ya latre'.

by tk kalchoff August 29, 2006

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Latr bitch

A way of saying your leaving

Kid 1: ight I gotta go
Kid 2: latr bitch

by Trevor was here sadly May 25, 2019


meaning it will be done soon as the opposite of later

use this word when your friends or family say later but you want it done now
example- you misspelled latre
latre-meaning it will be done soon as the opposite of later

by notUrmommother September 22, 2021