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To "get turnt" on knowledge or under the influence of education.

Billy: Man, this weekend I'm gettin so learnt
Dylan: Dude, don't you mean turnt
Billy: No, I have to study for a big test monday

by purplepenguin627 February 22, 2015

46πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Past tense of learn

Maybe if you went to school you would have learnt proper grammar

by MangoEnterprise March 12, 2018

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A combination of the words Lit and Turnt

The party last night was learnt as all hell!

by Zo3k April 9, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When someone with a lower IQ gets better at life

"I use to be young and dumb but now I've gotten wiser and I'm learnt."

by 31pony February 6, 2017

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


British standard English past tense and past participle for 'learn'

I learnt that Americans have difficulties with irregular verbs.

I had learnt all I needed to know.

by Dave the Redneck Brit October 21, 2003

80πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Redneck for Learned

I learnt how to fix the car.

by Donnan August 29, 2003

34πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Get Learnt

When someone learns something that usually should be obvious.

Sis you can take out your piercing, it’s not permanent. Get learnt

by Sissy.23 March 7, 2019